Scholarship Details

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Oklahoma Osteopathic Association
Non WesternU Resource
The Oklahoma Osteopathic Assocation is awarding scholarships to students who have lived in Oklahoma for a consecutive 12 months prior to attending the University

Better health care for all Oklahomans is the primary purpose of the Foundation. Designated funds are used to support student scholarships annually, to enrich the Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine, located in Tulsa, and to maintain the Oklahoma Osteopathic Educational Center in Oklahoma City.

 Because of the need for additional physicians in the state, especially those in general practice, members of the Oklahoma Osteopathic Association provided wholehearted support of the Foundation by first granting the Foundation a substantial loan, then by individually pledging contributions of $1,000 or more plus voluntary quarterly gifts.

  • Must be lawful residents of the United States
  • Must have lived in Oklahoma in some capacity other than as a full-time student at a post-secondary institution for a period of at least 12 consecutive months prior to matriculation to medical school
All Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

For more information, please visit their website at